Whackin` me brain into psychedelic rainbow custard is gonna save the planet.


That`s the best news I`ve read for a while.


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This sounds astonishingly good and so valuable. With all the books out there, and with so much reading online which shorts my energy for reading books, you got me here. Great job.

My tune-in to reality, which is deep and profound -- although never took the 10-minute trip that I've not had the courage to do and hats off to you for signing up for even more-- keys off psychedelics decades ago plus ecstasy. (See my Substack for how far out I am!)

Just to share blurbs about a couple of mushroom trips that affected me profoundly as what I rest on for being as far out as I am:

Empress of the World: I was sitting cross-legged on my bed when everything became very calm. Unusually, surreally so. The future was up to me, and what I had to do was “let everything land in my lap.” I was to accept reality with no resistance or drama or story. Reality is what is, regardless of any opinion about it, and I was to anchor myself in this primary perception. I sensed that if even one person practiced total acceptance, and the challenge was for it to be me, it would be the pivot for humanity to get to a new place.

Cosmic Remorse: A group experience was being led after we took “heroic” doses. We were told over and over again to go back and back and back to where we had come from when all of a sudden I whooshed into my current reality from some infinite place, beyond the beyond. Then, I spent a long time uncontrollably sobbing “for ever having doubted myself.”

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Congrats Alex, a big accomplishment! Can't wait to read the book.

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This is exciting, Alexander! I’ve always found your inquiries to be right on the cutting edge of culture, aligning with my own curiosities. To read that you had an experience that tied so many threads together gives me a sense of hope that synthesis is possible. Very much looking forward to reading or listening to. 👏

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I ordered mine!

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I am so excited to read the book. I preordered months ago actually. I'm particularly curious to hear about your DMT experience during the trial!

Thanks for doing such great work. 💖

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Can't wait! Will pre-order today.

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Pre-Ordered!!! Love what you’ve been doing over the last 6 months. Very grateful and excited for more.

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