Great post! I wrote about a similar perspective recently, discussing AI vs living wisdom: https://tmfow.substack.com/p/artificial-intelligence-and-living

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Everybody knows that Atlantis is just the name for the island where the Evil Scientist Yakub created the white race and their wicked trickery.

Here's the WiKi. This is the Nation of Islam theology- for real. Incidentally, your article has a germ of truth but is pretty much nonsense. There are initiation rites all around us. Catholics have a series. Jews have a couple of famous ones. You can join the Marines, cross the equator, become a Mason, be a Boy Scout, earn a degree, take acid in the Oregon Dunes. This smacks of that "adulting" trope.

"This insight led to a plan to create new people. He "saw an unlike human being, made to attract others, who could, with the knowledge of tricks and lies, rule the original black man".[6] By the age of 18, he had exhausted all knowledge in the universities of Mecca. He then discovered that the original black man contained both a "black germ" and a "brown germ". With 59,999 followers, he went to an "isle in the Aegean Sea called Pelan", which Muhammad identified as modern-day Patmos. Once there, he established a despotic regime, starting to breed out the black traits of his followers, killing all darker babies, and succeeded in creating a brown race after 200 years.[7]

Yakub died at the age of 150,[8] but his followers carried on his work. After 600 years of this deliberate eugenics system, the white race was created.[7] The brutal conditions of their creation determined the evil nature of the new race: "by lying to the black mother of the baby, this lie was born into the very nature of the white baby; and, murder for the black people was also born in them—or made by nature a liar and murderer".[4]

The new race traveled to Mecca, where they caused so much trouble they were exiled to "West Asia (Europe), and stripped of everything but the language. [...] Once there, they were roped in, to keep them out of Paradise. [...] The soldiers patrolled the border armed with swords, to prevent the devils from crossing".[4] For many centuries they lived a barbaric life, surviving naked in caves and eating raw meat, but were eventually drawn out of the caves by Moses who "taught them to wear clothes". Moses tried to civilize them, but eventually gave up and blew up 300 of the most troublesome white people with dynamite.[9]

However, they had learned to use "tricknology"; a plan to use their trickery and lack of empathy and emotion to usurp power and enslave the black population, bringing the first slaves to America. According to The Autobiography of Malcolm X, all the races other than the black race were by-products of Yakub's (spelled Yacub in the biography) work, as the "red, yellow and brown" races were created during the "bleaching" process;[5] however, the "black race" included Asian peoples, considered to be shared ancestors of the Moors.[5]

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To imply any single human being is better than, or less than, any other human being purely based on their skin colour is the very definition of racism, this is exactly what is described in the above text. Human beings once existed in different tribes, tribes that uniquely served the common objectives of the broader human race. No white person or black person is the original, in fact, all "races" are the originals. The division of individuals along the lines of colour is merely a choice, such lines could easily be drawn between people with blue eyes and brown eyes as the N*zis clearly demonstrated. The will of god is a unifying force that seeks harmony amongst humanity, anything that preaches such division doesn't represent the will of god, unfortunately.

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Well, that's very nice. However, people divide up and slaughter one another on the flimsiest of pretexts. When nothing natural arises they will invent divisions. I remember when I was a kid reading about the advocates for different charito teams in COnstantinople murdering each other in riots over chariot races. Look how our president is using every opportunity to label "MAGA" as the "other." It seems innate. If you look at Steven Pinker he demonstrates how we are less violent than we were in the past.

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A little long, perhaps, but really, very, very, good stuff.

It makes me miss my Aboriginal friends and elders.

On the AI front, aren't "we" just wagging our fingers at God on some level?

Exactly adolescent. Catch me if you can, kinda stuff.

Will God be tempted to return to Earth to meet a potential friend. A digitally embodied demi-god, who is ASI level gifted, to have a rewarding conversation. Not just these pathetic human beings and their infinite begging for attention, as well as this and that?

Will Nature finally respond with something resembling justice, to mere human minds?

Bloody great work this article.

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Interesting post with a lot of ideas I’ve been contemplating.

My question would be: how or where does the distinction between this self-actualization ethic and, say, the modern transhumanist/Futurist Luciferian ethic come in? The Luciferian is all about the worship of self, as opposed to the notion of a healthy self made in the image of God?

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This is not a self-actualisation process.

Did you read the article?

As for transhumanism... It's not self worship. It's more like machine augmented survival. Cyborgs, already walking and talking amongst us, are more likely that not, crash survivors, or battle injured veterans, who are propped up by metal and screws meshed with flesh and nerve implants to help control artificial limbs.

It's a survival strategy.

Not Lucifer's church.

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I read it.

How do you situate the question of Mithra worship and Eleusinian mystery cults into this question of survival?

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I don't.

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Me neither lol.

But I find the attempt to fuse mysticism and AI peculiar, as if we’re trying to create a new synthetic religion.

A solid epistemological foundation can easily demonstrate why AI can never, say, develop a soul, let alone become or replace humans…

We speak of survival, of Humanity 2.0 and 3.0, but it seems the real test and challenge for survival is whether people understand that human beings do have souls and are not just biological machines, or “hackable animals.”

No matter how many 1s and 0s we add, it will never create conscious beings with a soul. For, the soul is not a question of more or less—it’s not a quantity. Rediscovering why that is seems crucial to survival and rediscovering the real “mystery” that is man.

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