Today’s journal entry:

In the modern world, we spend much of our time talking to one another. Essentially, we assert with the intention of influencing. It’s micro-imperialism. We shoot words at one another. And we honor and elevate the cunning linguists.

And, in our hearts, we know that…

To love another, one must elicit and listen. To love oneself, one must elicit and listen to oneself - assert and reflect on one’s intentions.

My loving gift to you today is to invite you to consider: What are you trying to achieve with your assertions?

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'And we honor and elevate the cunning linguists.'

Yup, some do and some simply recognize the lost when they see/hear/read them, shed a tear (or sigh, or ignore), perhaps offer a hand, and continue on.

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Well, the more discerning may, especially the more worn down of them. But the general public allows itself to be increasingly bombarded by their palaver.

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Palaver, a good term. Hadn’t noticed it before. Yes, one runs into inextricable complexity on the way to simplicity. It reminds me of endless chase sequences where the pursued throws everything possible into the path of the pursuer.

Surrender cannot be forced. It can only be realized.

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Read ‘Speaking Being’. You might come to question the ‘me’ that has such agency in-the-world, the I as a thing among things.

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"...the question of how we as individuals can embody and influence the systems around us...." Big question no one is answering. See what you think of my ideas. Here's a summary post: What's on A ROADMAP TO THE FUTURE?


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That is one thing that greatly concerns me; the focus of New Age Spiritualities and the like being centred totally on personal 'inner' development of consciousness. There rarely seems any recognition of the 'outer' world, of connection with 'other'. The creation is of a Spiritual Narcissism.

I love that you use one particular word; Gratitude. The same word that Louie Schwartzberg uses following the film 'Fantastic Fungi' and the title of a Ted Talk (including video) that he delivered.

I need to include more teaching in my writing around this concept.

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